Monday, December 22, 2008

HOTT Newslinks December 22, 2008

World faces "total" financial meltdown: Bank of Spain chief


“NOAA's Ark”
President-elect Obama chooses as his science adviser and head of our weather research agency two global warming activists who believe your SUV is driving us over a climate cliff.


Counterfeiting Versus Monetary Policy

“That being the case, who is responsible for inflation? It's not you or I because if we privately increased the supply of money to finance profligate spending, we would be charged with counterfeiting and go to prison.”


"A Fundamentalist Christian Looks at Fundamentalist Islam!" by Don Boys, Ph.D.
Have American Christians misread or misinterpreted historic Islam? I am afraid many have, and as a Bible-believing Christian concerned with the truth, I want to challenge their thinking.
Many believe that all Muslims are uneducated fanatics; however, many Muslim clerics are highly educated, urbane, and politically informed.
Another false conception is that all Muslims are terrorists, and while State Department testimony reveals that the extremists in Saudi Arabia control 80% of U.S. mosques, some Muslims are anti-terrorists. Some Muslim leaders, especially in Europe and Egypt have taken anti-terrorist positions at the risk of their lives! I have great respect for those clerics. (However, where have mass demonstrations of American Muslims taken place since 9-11 to show abhorrence for terror?)
To provide non-Muslims with a proper historical, theological, and political understanding of Islamic influence on our nation we must look at some historical facts:
*It is a fact that where the Muslim faith flourishes, their flag follows. Where Muslims are in total control, they are in total control! There is no separation of mosque and state. It is also a fact proclaimed by numerous Muslims that their goal is to conquer America and the world! No one is a true Muslim unless he accepts that challenge!
*It is also a fact that Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God. Numerous Middle East scholars clearly state that Allah was one of 360 pagan gods worshipped at the Kaaba hundreds of years before Mohammed was born! See Encyclopedia Britannica, World Book, Coon, Farah, Thompson, etc.
*It is a fact that while Muslims talk about believing in Christ, they do not believe in the Christ of the Bible. They believe that He was not divine, did not die on the cross and did not rise from the dead. That is not believing in Christ.
*It is a fact that they do not believe in the Bible teaching of the Trinity (sura 5:75). In fact, Mohammed did not even know that the Trinity was the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! He thought Mary, the mother of Christ was a member of the Trinity! See sura 5:116.
*It is a fact that Mohammed was, in the words of Gibbon, an “illiterate barbarian” beheading over 800 Jewish males after the Battle of the Trench. See Gibbon, Durant, New Encyclopedia, etc.
*It is a fact that Islam teaches no one has a right to worship anyone but Allah. See Sura 9:29; 2:691; 47:4; etc. In fact, a Muslim is to be killed if he or she leaves Islam. See vol. 9, book 84, #64.
*It is also a fact that Mohammed took his son’s wife, slept with his Coptic slave, and had a nine-year-old wife. See Encyclopedia Britannica; Encyclopedia of Islam; Tabari (most famous Muslim historian); and Hadith vol. 7, book 62, number 65 where Aisha admitted, “My marriage (to Mohammed) was consummated when I was nine.” She should know!
*It is a fact that jihad is considered the “sixth pillar” of Islam, and while jihad can mean inner struggle, etc., it has always meant, “holy fighting in the cause of Islam.” See New Encyclopedia Britannica; Dictionary of Islam, and page 39 of the official Koran published in Saudi Arabia.
*It is a fact that Muslims true to the Koran (and Hadith) are not moderate. The terrorists are the ones carrying out the commands of Mohammed, and I believe those terrorists will target the true moderates (who would be considered the equivalent of modernists in Christian circles) with death.
*Koranic Islam (historic Islam) is America’s Trojan Horse full of an enemy that has clearly proclaimed plans to destroy America. If our leaders do not recognize that fact and act accordingly, they are like a man wading waist-deep through a snake and alligator infested Everglade’s swamp. They are going to get bit!
What should authorities do to escape planned Islamic terror? Recognize that our enemy is Koranic Islam (not the genuine moderates) because the first principle of war is to identify your enemy. Secondly, apprehend and arrest every person associated with terrorist groups. Thirdly, freeze all terrorist funds in the U.S. and free world with cooperation of our European allies. Fourthly, thoroughly investigate all Muslims in the military and academia, and then arrest those having terrorist connections. Fifthly, stop playing games at the airports. Realize few Americans are terrorists and spend time on those who are more likely to cause harm.
In other words, start to profile. Spend little time on little old ladies from Iowa and look more closely at Middle Easterners. Most will be innocent, and when they are innocent then have federal officials apologize to them and maybe even give them first class seats for their inconvenience.
I have been called a “hater” because I have reported the historical facts about Islam, Mohammed, and the Koran. I am not a hater, but a lover. It must be remembered that love without truth is not love. I am interested in truth not political correctness, unity, diversity, pluralism, multiculturalism, ecumenicity, or making Muslims feel warm and fuzzy with their 7th century religion. Truth and honesty are still important.
Must we permit Muslims to rewrite history to make them more comfortable with their religion? I refuse to do so, and while some will hysterically call me names, intelligent people will ask if my statements are correct. If I am not correct, then let me be corrected. If I am correct, then let my opponents respond to the historical facts.
If I can be proved wrong in my facts, I will apologize in the national media and rip my shirt on national television! I may even consider wearing sackcloth and ashes.
American leaders are making a deadly mistake in not understanding the nature of historic Islam, and we will all pay the price when the terrorists strike again. And when U.S. cities are in flames, the economy in a deadly spiral, and many innocent Muslims are killed by the “false moderates” (or by outraged non-Muslims), the Administration’s pandering toward all things Muslim will be discarded as quickly as long underwear in a Texas heat-wave.


Medical experiments in the U.S.A.
Human experimentation -- the practice of subjecting live human beings to science experiments that are sometimes cruel, painful, or deadly -- is a major part of U.S. history that you won't find in most history or science books. It is still continuing today. Here are a few examples, out of many more.They are not for the faint of heart:
1845: J. Marion Sims, later hailed as the "father of gynecology," performs medical experiments on enslaved African women without anesthesia. These women would usually die of infection soon after surgery. Because of his belief that the movement of newborns' skull bones during protracted births causes trismus, he uses a shoemaker's awl, a pointed tool shoemakers use to make holes in leather, to practice moving the skull bones of babies born to enslaved mothers.

1895: New York pediatrician Henry Heiman infects a 4-year-old boy whom he calls "an idiot with chronic epilepsy" with gonorrhea as part of a medical experiment.

1906: Harvard professor Dr. Richard Strong infects prisoners in the Philippines with cholera to study the disease; 13 of them die. He compensates survivors with cigars and cigarettes. During the Nuremberg Trials, Nazi doctors cite this study to justify their own medical experiments.

1919: Researchers perform testicular transplant experiments on inmates at San Quentin State Prison in California, inserting the testicles of recently executed inmates and goats into the abdomens and scrotums of living prisoners.

1931: Cornelius Rhoads, a pathologist from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, purposely infects human test subjects in Puerto Rico with cancer cells; 13 of them die. Though Rhoads gives a written testimony stating he believes that all Puerto Ricans should be killed, he later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, where he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

1932: The U.S. Public Health Service in Tuskegee, Ala. diagnoses 400 poor, black sharecroppers with syphilis but never tells them of their illness nor treats them; instead researchers use the men as human guinea pigs to follow the symptoms and progression of the disease. They all eventually die from syphilis and their families are never told that they could have been treated.

1939: In order to test his theory on the roots of stuttering, prominent speech pathologist Dr. Wendell Johnson performs his famous "Monster Experiment" on 22 children at the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home in Davenport. Dr. Johnson and his graduate students put the children under intense psychological pressure, causing them to switch from speaking normally to stuttering heavily.

1944: As part of the Manhattan Project that would eventually create the atomic bomb, researchers inject 4.7 micrograms of plutonium into soldiers at the Oak Ridge facility, 20 miles west of Knoxville, Tennessee.

1956: U.S. Army covert biological weapons researchers release mosquitoes infected with yellow fever and dengue fever over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida, to test the insects' ability to carry disease. These experiments result in a high incidence of fevers, respiratory distress, stillbirths, encephalitis and typhoid among the two cities' residents, as well as several deaths.
1962: Researchers at the Laurel Children's Center in Maryland test experimental acne antibiotics on children and continue their tests even after half of the young test subjects develop severe liver damage because of the experimental medication .
1963: Chester M. Southam, who injected Ohio State Prison inmates with live cancer cells in 1952, performs the same procedure on 22 senile, African-American female patients at the Brooklyn Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in order to watch their immunological response. Southam tells the patients that they are receiving "some cells," but leaves out the fact that they are cancer cells. He claims he doesn't obtain informed consent from the patients because he does not want to frighten them by telling them what he is doing, but he nevertheless temporarily loses his medical license because of it. Ironically, he eventually becomes president of the American Cancer Society.
1987: Philadelphia resident Doris Jackson discovers that researchers have removed her son's brainpost mortem for medical study. She later learns that the state of Pennsylvania has a doctrine of "implied consent," meaning that unless a patient signs a document stating otherwise, consent for organ removal is automatically implied.
1994: In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was "to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation".
1995: A 19-year-old University of Rochester student named Nicole Wan dies from participating in an MIT-sponsored experiment that tests airborne pollutant chemicals on humans. The experiment pays $150 to human test subjects.
2003: Two-year-old Michael Daddio of Delaware dies of congestive heart failure. After his death, his parents learn that doctors had performed an experimental surgery on him when he was five months old, rather than using the established surgical method of repairing his congenital heart defect that the parents had been told would be performed. The established procedure has a 90- to 95-percent success rate, whereas the inventor of the new procedure would later be fired from his hospital.
Sources:Natural News March 6, 2006

General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book



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The Freemason society of Bournemouth under the jurisdiction of the all Seeing Eye, Master Nicholas Brenner has after series of secret deliberations selected you to be a beneficiary of our 2008 foundation laying grants and also an optional opening at the round table of the Freemason society.

These grants are issued every year around the world in accordance with the objective of the Freemasons as stated by Thomas Paine in 1808 which is to ensure the continuous freedom of man and to enhance mans living conditions.

We will also advice that these funds which amount to USD1.5million be used to better the lot of man through your own initiative and also we will go further to inform that the open slot to become a Freemason is optional, you can decline the offer.

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Juan Bautista Arrien
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The US Congress, through it's trade policies, moved production out of the US, and by opening trade with Communist China, set them up as an economic powerhouse. None of this is by mistake. The Congress is full of TRAITORS which have sold us out to the Communists...Joseph McCarthy was right..."Conspiracy Theorists" were right...I urged people in my district, many years ago, not to vote for Bob Goodlatte for Congress, because he supported NAFTA, and now we are reaping the "benefits" of his and his peers' policies. We are now dependent on Communist China for our future...a future of INTERDEPENDENCE...

"How can we build a genuine world community?"


The next step in the total surveillance system...;xy=5024973


Check out all these unexpected deaths of people involved with elections

Mike Connell was warned not to fly before plane crash

looking back....


Question 46,' Revisited


Hi Doyel,

I have written an exposé which reveals the bigger picture as to what the 911TM is really all about and in a way it is my small tribute to Bill for exposing alex jones for the fraud he is.

My thanks also to you Doyel and Robert for continuing in Bill's footsteps.

best regards,


Correction: Don't be deceived by all the current media attention paid to the story about how upset the sodomites are that Obama would pick Rick Warren when Warren publicly supported Prop 8, California's Nov. 4th anti-sodomite marriage amendment - that storyline is a distraction - that is not the important story here !

CFR-member, ecumenical, "purpose-driven-everything" apostate Rick Warren:
picked to pray at Obama's January 20 Inauguration

- tapped by NWO Illuminati Globalist Elites to replace Billy Graham as America's Judas-Goat-in-Chief to lead American evangelical Christians astray in following the presidential NWO sock puppets placed before the American people; including Trilateralists Jimmy Carter, George HW Bush, and Bill Clinton (all CFR members also), and masonic Skull and Bones George W. Bush (like his father and grandfather).

Billy Graham Library Dedication May 31 - Clinton, Carter, Bush Sr. included
Adulterer, pro-abort, globalist, CFR-member Bill Clinton,
and pro-abort, apostate, globalist, CFR-member Jimmy Carter,
and Skull and Bonesman, former CFR-board member George H.W. Bush
to help dedicate Billy Graham Library near Charlotte, NC May 31

May 28, 2007

Don't be deceived by all the current media attention paid to the story about how upset the sodomites are that Obama would pick Rick Warren when Warren publicly supported Prop 8, California's Nov. 4th anti-sodomite marriage amendment - that storyline is a distraction - that is not the important story here !

Obama defends Warren choice
Pastor's role in inauguration angers homosexual activists
Posted: December 18, 2008

Blessing Barack Obama's inauguration with controversy

John McCain, Rick Warren, Barack Obama at Saddleback Church (Lake Forest, CA)
Presidential civil forum, August 16, 2008

What is happening is the passing of the "Judas Goat" baton from ecumenical, compromising, universalist Billy Graham, who has served the New World Order's purposes well in helping to serve up evangelical's for political slaughter at the hands of the CFR-dominated Republican and Democratic Parties, to CFR, ecumenical apostate Rick Warren. Like fellow CFR-member and Southern Baptist Judas Goat, Dr. Richard Land (SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission), Rick Warren is a traitor to the Christian church in America.

Billy Graham's apostasy
"... Billy Graham now says non-Christians in other faiths (false religions) and secular humanists may be going to heaven."

Billy Graham's apostasy
World Net Daily

"... Billy Graham now says non-Christians in other faiths (false religions) and secular humanists may be going to heaven."
Thursday, August 10, 2006

CFR Rick Warren, CFR John McCain, and CFR, 33rd Degree Mason, Shriner Gerald Ford
"For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16 (King James Bible)

CFR Rick Warren claims CFR John McCain has "faith" like CFR, 33rd Degree Mason, Shriner Gerald Ford

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:15, 16 (King James Bible)

August 17, 2008

God says, "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12
and, "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16


by Dr. Stanley Monteith
[excerpt, emphasis added]

People ask why I do not recommend Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life to learn about God’s purposes for our lives. I have enjoyed and profited from all the things the book tells Christians to do. I agree with them. His main point for us is to make God’s plans the first priority in our life and to surrender our life to Him. I heartily agree.

However, I studied his Purpose Driven Life and noticed that often his quotations from “the Bible” are not Biblical. He uses many translations and paraphrases which he still calls “The Bible;” and even in using those he sometimes omits very important content from the passages and in his writing about them. He has made major omissions that have changed the gospel message inconspicuously so that it corresponds with the essential occult teachings of the New Age.

HE HAS OMITTED, and removed from view, several major teachings in the Bible: [continued]


By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Nov 30, 2008
"So far Saddleback is very SBC alright; Slowly Becoming Catholic. As I mentioned above the SF website even has ”The Spiritual Growth Center”
(SGC); If there was any doubt left that Saddleback Church, aligned with the largest allegedly ”Protestant” denomination in the country, is seriously off the rails having fallen deeply into the spurious spirituality of the Counter Reformation of apostate Roman Catholicism then the following ought to drive away the murky mystic fog from your eyes. The second book we find in the SGC is by Richard Foster’s spiritual twin and SBC minister Dallas Willard, whom SF says is: ..."

Rick Warren's Global Peace Plan

Rick Warren Speaks on Catholicism, the Essentials of the Faith, Peter Drucker,and Global Peace

Rick Warren - May 23, 2005:
On Catholicism
"I would encourage you to look at this evolving alliance between evangelical Protestants and Catholics, particularly in the evangelical wing of Catholicism."
(about 1/3 way down transcripts page)


Council on Foreign Relations:

2006 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster

2007-2008 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster
(including Current and Historical Rosters of Directors and Officers)

CFR Annual Report requests

See a concise overview article about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on the internet at:
"The Definition of Tyranny," The New American (May 15, 1995), by John F. McManus

"Formed in 1921 by Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's right-hand man,
the CFR's purpose has been undeniably clear from the start: to submerge our nation into
a socialist, one-world government."

The time to
expose the CFR and its grip on this land is now."

President George H.W. Bush, State of the Union Address, given at the United States Capitol, on January 29, 1991 :

"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea ­ a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations
of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law." "The world can therefore seize
this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order ­ where brutality will go unrewarded, and aggression will meet collective resistance."

(Video) President George H.W. Bush (1991) - "New World Order"

(1:48) [Note: the Bush speech video segment labelled September 11, 1991, is actually January 29, 1991, as noted above]

George Bush - New World Order Speech - March 6 1991 - P2
"Now we can see a new world coming into view, a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order." (5:09)
"Even the new world order cannot guarantee an era of perpetual peace, but enduring peace must be our mission. Our success in the Gulf will shape, not only the new world order we seek, but our mission here at home." (7:15)


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