Tuesday, June 26, 2007

HOTT Newslinks June 07, 2007

Lawyers in a how-to video: as in how to avoid hiring an American



CIA to Air Decades of Its Dirty Laundry
Assassination Attempts Among Abuses Detailed


*All whitewash, just keep an eye on what they don’t release and what the press forgets to report on when this happens.



Taliban militants attacked police posts in southern Afghanistan, triggering NATO airstrikes that left 25 civilians dead, including three infants and the local mullah, a senior police officer said Friday.



People voted for Hamas last year not because they approved of the party's sloganeering, not because they wanted to live in an Islamic state, not because they support attacks on Israeli civilians, but because Hamas was untainted by Fatah's complacency and corruption, untainted by its willingness to continue pandering to Israel. Fatah leaders were viewed as mere policemen of the perpetual occupation. Hamas offered an alternative.


1040 Checkmate



Middle East %26 Africa&month=June2007&file=World_News200706211551.xml
Russia yesterday bluntly told the United States that it saw no threat from Iran’s ballistic missiles and was perplexed how Washington could use this to justify a planned US defence system in Europe. “We do not see any kind of threat from Iran,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters after a meeting in Tehran of foreign ministers from Caspian Sea states.


Say farewell to whatever traditional freedoms that still remain in socialist Britain


TONY Blair heads to Brussels today to negotiate an EU treaty which could hand over British powers to Europe.

But as he faces his Waterloo will the PM turn out to be a NAPOLEON — by fulfilling Bonaparte’s dream of European domination — and sign up.


Yet the police and city officials do not find the state motto: "Live Free or Die" a threat


Police in Lebanon (New Hampshire) are investigating a sympathizer of tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown who sent a potentially threatening e-mail to city councilors.


University Accused of Lying to Hide Killing
Eastern Michigan Official Apologizes



Actually, the NRA has been the organization most responsible for the subversion of our God-given, inalienable right. It was started by then current and former government employees. Don't believe me? Hear it from their own lips;

"The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871."

—NRA Executive Vice President Franklin L. Orth. NRA's American Rifleman Magazine, March 1968, P. 22.

"The NRA supported The National Firearms Act of 1934 which taxes and requires registration of such firearms as machine guns, sawed-off rifles and sawed-off shotguns. ... NRA support of Federal gun legislation did not stop with the earlier Dodd bills. It currently backs several Senate and House bills which, through amendment, would put new teeth into the National and Federal Firearms Acts."

— American Rifleman, March 1968, P. 22 [NRA Supported the National Firearms Act of 1934, by Angel Shamaya, March 29, 2002.


“...As a matter of official policy, NRA does not call for the BATF to be abolished. In fact, the Association does not object to many of the federal laws against violent criminal behavior committed with firearms that BATF is charged with enforcing. Since we support certain federal laws relative to firearms, it only stands to reason that we would not promote abolishing the federal agency tasked with enforcing those laws....”

“...Furthermore, it has long been NRA's position that a greater emphasis should be placed on enforcing existing laws that target violent gun crimes. In fact, NRA spent much of the eight years under Bill Clinton admonishing his Department of Justice for its failure to aggressively prosecute violent criminals who are caught violating federal gun laws. As part of that campaign, NRA began promoting the "Project Exile" prosecution model. In case you were not already aware, Project Exile is a cooperative effort between federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutors that calls for the full prosecution of violent gun crimes....”

- Amanda H. Millward, NRA-ILA Grassroots Division, Letter dated Nov. 20, 2006.


The right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms shall NOT be infringed means PRECISELY that which is written. And, our public SERVANTS were EXPRESSLY denied ANY Constitutionally legal delegated authority over it. It is the "INALIENABLE RIGHT" of ALL Free American citizens. The ONLY Constitutionally legal time that an American citizen can be divested of that right, is if they are imprisoned PERIOD

Anything else would be "cruel and unusual punishment". For, "Self-Preservation is the First Law of Nature". The Right of Self-Defense comes from God - not man.




"The right of self-defence never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and to individuals."

- President James Monroe, Nov. 16, 1818 message to the U.S. House and Senate. [Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, November 17th, 1818.]
"The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms shall NOT be infringed."

Yeah, like they just did with that Bill in the House right?

N - Negotiate
R - Rights
A - Away

America had better WAKE UP!


Video game addiction: A new diagnosis?



Ex-Cop Sells DVDs On How To Hide Pot
Former Narcotics Officer In Texas Is Now A Shaggy-Haired Marijuana Legalization Advocate


Never get busted again promo:



No Comprende: Illegal Kills Cop - We Pay For His Attorneys



New Gallup data show confidence in Congress at all time low



Army Again Considers Longer Combat Tours



US 'wants Blair' for Mid-East job

WTF!! the internationalist nature of the "American" government continues to rear it's head and expose itself for what it is...non-American. Think about it...there is not one major American company left...all the "American" companies are actually internationalist....
Now apparently it doesn't matter if our national officials are even American. Reminds me of the two high level KGB officers who were hired for Homeland Security



DHS Acknowledges Own Computer Break-Ins



Le Cercle and the struggle for the European continent 
Private bridge between Vatican-Paneuropean- and Anglo-American intelligence



Minnesota Supreme Court Strikes Down Red Light Cameras



Red Light Cameras on Trial in South Dakota, New Mexico



City seeks limits on red-light lawsuit




1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots.

2. Place them on your front porch, along with several empty beer cans, a copy of Guns & Ammo magazine, and several NRA magazines.

3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.

4. Leave a note on your door that reads:
"Hey Bubba, Big Jim, Duke and Slim. I went to the gun shop for more ammo.
Back in an hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls --they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it, but it was hard to tell with all the blood.

PS - I locked all four of them in the house. Better wait outside."


The “Cloud” over Dick Cheney Just Got Darker!



From the Folks Who Brought You Plan Colombia-The Annexation of Mexico



The Plan to Disappear Canada



New Questions About Abu Ghraib



Rare Tactic May Allow Immigration Votes



Bloggers, radio reshaping bill on immigration




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